
Camellia is neighborhood of 20 homes that range in size from 2000 – 3000 sq. ft. This neighborhood is nestled along the borders of Gray Plantation Golf Course with a golf cottage style of living. White picket fences line the roadway with beautiful landscaped yards. Camellia has a style of living that affords the luxury of lawn maintenance by the homeowners association. (See HOA fee scheduled for the assessment amount.)



NOTE: This supplement in addition to and not in lieu of the general requirements of the Design Guidelines. Specific areas where variances are allowed are outlined below. Except as amended or modified for the neighborhood identified above, the General Design Guidelines shall apply.

All modifications to the Camellia plans must be presented to the NCC for approval.

Minimum Square Footage – 2000 sq. feet

Maximum Square Footage – 3000 sq. feet

NOTE: All square footage numbers refer to air conditioned living space.

Exterior Detail:

Minimum 30” above curb.

Porch and roof soffits can be vinyl.

Front facades will be permitted (i.e. Combination brick and siding, stucco).

No variance.

Awnings, canopies, and shutters shall not be permitted or affixed to the exterior of the residence without the prior approval of the NCC.

Exterior shutters, when used, should be an integral architectural feature. Shutter holdbacks (dogs) are required in specific neighborhoods (see supplement).

Shutters are encouraged on house facades visible from the street. Shutter material may be wood, heavy plastic, composite, or some preapproved aluminum and should be the full size of the window or in pairs when closed. Shutters may be louvered or batten in design and must be attached to the house using appropriate holdback hardware. If batten, the vertical battens must be of equal size. All battens must be fully detailed with routed edges. There is a minimum of two horizontal battens per shutter.

Faux shutters should be fully detailed and when installed in spaces wider than 24 inches, should have the detailed appearance of a pair of shutters closed. Bahama shutters are the exception to the rule with one shutter being the full size of the window. Faux shutters must be embedded in the wall surface. In brick applications, there must be a bottom sill course. Stucco or hardi applications must have a perimeter trim.

Windows should be of a size and design appropriate to the architectural character of the house. Windows should be approximately a 2 to 1 proportion height to width. Various styles such as a double hung, casement or awning are acceptable if compatible with the style of the house. Examples of acceptable window pane arrangements are 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, 2/2, 6/6, or 6/9. There the first number is the upper sash and the second number is the lower sash of the window. These window configurations are required on all facades of the home. Windows may be prefinished aluminum, painted wood, clad wood or other approved material if sized, proportioned and finished to look like painted wood. Window screens are allowed but must cover both upper and lower sashes..

The Graywood recommended jamb trim is 4 inches wide measured from the edge of the trim to the edge of the glass. The 4 inch dimension is normally achieved by adding a brick mold or other trim to the window. In recent years the window manufacturers have produced a standard trim that measures 3 inches wide. Graywood will accept a manufactured window that measures 3 inches as the minimum width. The 6 inch trim reference at the head of the window is amended to 3 inches. Please see picture at end of the booklet for clarification. Non-shuttered windows visible from the street shall have a more decorative head and sill treatment.

All windows will be energy efficient thermal glass, warranted, factory units. Exterior storm windows will not be permitted. All window mullion will be permanent and constructed of full profile (minimum 3/4″ width, minimum 3/8″ projection) mullion bars. Pop out mullions will not be accepted. Mullion grid patterns must remain uniform from window to window. Exceptions must be preapproved by the NCC.

Assorted window styles will be discouraged on an individual home (i.e., cathedral fan arches mixed with the flat spring arches). Different color windows on a home is discourage and must be preapproved by the NCC. In no case will different color windows be allowed on the front or corner elevation of a home. Only custom, feature, view windows will be allowed to remain muntinless. Double hung windows (non TDL) will not be allowed. Windows should be recessed from the wall to provide a shadow line.

Windows should be clear glass. No reflective glass or reflective tinting should be used. Stained glass windows and Victorian style doors are not allowed.

Bright-finished or bright-plated metal exterior doors, windows, window screens, louvers, exterior trim or structural members shall not be permitted.

Arched and half-round windows are to be used only if they are indigenous to the architectural style of the house.

All beams must be wrapped with wood or cement board. No other products will be allowed.

No variance.

Roof pitches and overhangs may vary as necessitated by architectural design; however, no flat roofs are allowed as a major structural element. A minimum 5 to 12 slope is set as a standard. Roof overhangs are recommended to protect from the sun, and along with trellises, will provide passive energy conservation. No mansard roofs will be allowed.

  1. All roof stacks, flashings, vents or protrusions from the roof shall be painted deep gray or the same color the roof will be at maturity. Roof stacks and plumbing vents shall be placed on rear slopes of the roofs where possible.
  2. Solar water heating panels shall be reviewed on an individual basis and approval based upon the visual effect to the surrounding area. Generally their use is discouraged.
  3. Roofing materials, depending on the neighborhood, may be architectural dimensional composite shingles, cedar or pressure treated wood shingles or shakes, slate, tile or prefinished metal. Combinations of shingles and metal roofing may be allowed when appropriate to the architectural character of the house.
  4. Roofing colors must be approved by the NCC.
  5. Houses with pitched roofs of a minimum pitch of 9 in 12 and a maximum pitch of 12 in 12 are encouraged. Special cases will be considered by the NCC if in keeping with the architectural character of the house and neighborhood. Shed roofs for porches may have a lower pitch, but in no case will the pitch be lower than 3.75 in 12. Houses may have gabled, hipped, or shed roofs. House gables may be a full return Queen Anne return with the returns preferably capped in copper. Exposed rafter tails are allowed, but the design must be approved by the NCC.
  6. Gable and decorative roof vents shall be in keeping with the architectural character of the house. Ridge vents, if used, must be of the “shingle over” design extended to the outer edge of the roof ridge. Tile ridge caps are allowed over dimensional roof shingles. Soffit venting visible from the street shall be of similar material to that of the porch or entry stoop ceiling and must be submitted to the NCC for approval.
  7. Special metal roofing applications may be considered by the NCC when appropriate.

Front entry allowed with 10’ minimum setback from front of primary structure. No variance on garage doors.

No variance.

All front doors must be solid wood. Side and rear doors may be made of other material but must be submitted to the NCC for approval. Metal doors will be permitted for the side garage entries only. Metal framed sliding glass doors are not allowed. Lever handles must be approved by the NCC.

Material must be consistent with exterior of house.

Painted decks are not required.

No variance.

Front porches must have a minimum of 8ft in depth; stoops must have a minimum of 4 feet in width.

No Variance.

All columns must be detailed on the drawings and submitted for approval showing size, style, and or taper.

The use of gutters is not required. If used, it is highly recommended that all down spouts extend below grade and shall be connected to a subsurface drain or pop-up drain or discharge directly into a rock bed. Discharge onto driveways/sidewalks is prohibited. Corner downspouts that are within 10ft from the front corner of the home must discharge into a rock bed that is a minimum of 24 inches wide or subsurface with a pop up valve. Beyond 10ft. from the front corner, the downspout can discharge directly onto the lawn. If there are landscape beds, the downspouts must be through the bed and can discharge to the lawn at the edge of the bed.

No variance.

Historical color palette as approved by the NCC.

No variance.

Exterior bracket, pendant, pier and/or post lighting, ceiling fans and porch swings shall be consistent with the architectural character of the house and proportioned accordingly. Ceiling fans and porch swings are encouraged on all porches. Light fixtures should be correctly proportioned to the house façade. Gas light bracket and post-mounted fixtures are acceptable. All lighting should be low level, non-glare type and located to cause minimal visual impact to adjacent streets and properties. Exterior spotlights or floodlights must be hooded to eliminate glare onto adjacent properties.

Post or column mounted lights must be drawn and submitted for approval by the NCC.


Front – 10ft. (Build to line)
Side – 5ft.
Corner Lot Side Setback – 5ft.
Rear – 5ft.

Straight front allowed.

Rear fencing is permitted on the property line with open fencing (i.e. Wrought Iron). Screening can be accomplished with landscaping on the inside of the property line. Closed fencing in private courtyards must be presented to NCC for approval.

Provide 1.5% of cost of house and lot including sod. 2% required on Lots 7-14 due to front & rear exposure. Sides are preferred but not required. Zoysia grass is required. Irrigation is required. Trash container, mechanical and utility equipment screening is required.

Additional fee for lawn maintenance will be added to the General HOA fee. (See the following for fee breakdown).

Camellia Lawn Maintenance Fee Schedule

Quarterly Homeowners Association Fee – $280.00
Quarterly Lawn Maintenance Fee – $235.00
TOTAL – $515.00

*Fees will be billed quarterly.

Lawn maintenance will include the following:
Mow front and back lawn. No enclosed courtyard/private areas will be maintained by Graywood.
Edge sidewalk and driveway.
Blow off sidewalk and driveway.

The Lawn Maintenance Fee is mandatory.
NOTE: The above fees are in force for the year 2022 and are subject to change annually.